<!-- TITLE: Gender Dist Of Matched And Unmatched Obituaries --> <!-- SUBTITLE: A quick summary of Gender Dist Of Matched And Unmatched Obituaries --> # Gender Dist of Matched and Unmatched Obituaries ## April 9th ### From the 60,000 + obituaries majority of them are male ![Screen Shot 2020 04 12 At 12 44 20 Am](/uploads/screen-shot-2020-04-12-at-12-44-20-am.png "Screen Shot 2020 04 12 At 12 44 20 Am") - About 83.77% of all obituarized people are considered male and only 16.23% identifying as female. This is interesting and it could possibly lead to more questions surrounding possible reasons as to why this might be. ### From the 20,000 + obituaries that were matched to a wikipedia entry majority are male as well ![Blue](/uploads/blue.png "Blue") - After getting a list of all the matched obituaries, I was able to calcluate the gender distribution of the matched and unmatched obituaries and created associated bar plots to show the difference. - What I found was very similar (almost identical) proportions to the entire data set which conatined both matched and unmatched wiki data. With the proportion of matched wikipedia obituaries that are male as 0.8305 and the proportion that are female as 0.1695. ### From the remaining 37,000+ obituaries that were not matched to a wikipedia entry majority were also male ![Screen Shot 2020 04 12 At 12 49 55 Am](/uploads/screen-shot-2020-04-12-at-12-49-55-am.png "Screen Shot 2020 04 12 At 12 49 55 Am") - From the list of unmatched obituaries, I was able to see that the proportion of males that were not matched to a wikipedia article was 0.8421, while the proportion of females was 0.1579. - These proportions are again very similar (almost identical) to both the entire data set (both matched and unmatched obituaries) as well as the matched obituaries gender distribution.