Skin conductance, emotion, and culture
a lit review
what is emotion?
theoretical - emotion (-al energy) and society
1993 (collins) - here
- talking about a market for ritual participation, shaping distribution of individual behavior
- rational apportioning of work and ritual wrt EE
- complex formulations at end of abstract I didn't understand
2019 - EE, relational E, organizational E: a review
- defines core concepts
- broad selective review focusing on mechanisms
- empirical findings, and ambiguities in conceptualization of E
- "theorizing has outpaced empirical testing"
- promising areas of empirical research
Berlant 2014 - Compassion: The culture and politics of an emotion (mentioned by recent Scheff) - in library
- 2011 - Dealing with Emotions in Peacemaking
- 2011 - Alienation, Love and Hate as Causes of Collective...
- 2009 (2000?) - Emotion, alienation, and narratives: resolving...
- 1998 - Stigma, discrimination and social exclusion: What's...
- suppressed shame as leading to violence
- he wrote a memoir here
- 2015 - what are emotions?
- 2014 - [ubiquity of hidden shame in modernity](The Ubiquity of Hidden Shame in Modernity)
- 2013 - social/emotional theory of mental illness
- published in emotions, crime, and justice
2004 - theory of self, emotion, and culture
- substantiating the theory that: "a fundamental drive to maximize emotional energy"
- explains self-consistency vs. creativy and change
- details mechanisms underlying creation of new symbols and meanings
empirical - emotion and society (especially cross-cultural)
- 2002 - emotion and culture: meta-analysis
- 190 cross-cultural emotion studies before 2002
- cross-cultural variation associated to subsistence mode, political system, values, and religiosity
- but also to statistical artifacts etc
- most of variance in "values"
what is EDA (synchrony) actually measuring?
- 2007 - How emotion is made and measured, from human-computer interaction
- Also this guide is sometimes cited
- 2010 Modelling event-related skin conductance responses
- I can't tell, but it looks like most of the variance is within-subjects, not between-subjects (Fig. 4)
- mean peak latency is 4.3 seconds for fingers
- 2015 - "Similarly, increased electro-dermal response happens in almost all emotions and may be a symptom of the motor preparation that is an integral part of the emotion episode (action tendency, Frijda, 1986), while decrease is found for all emotions in which passivity is the shared motivational state." Emotions: Methods of Assessment
- 2020 (Nature) - SCR muted when watching the homeless for those with justificatory beliefs about inequality
- 2019 - Latency of skin conductance
- from abstract: "relies on response characteristics ... which were established more than four decades ago by using paper-pencil methods"
- "The established response latency criteria were largely confirmed"
- this study: "narrower and potential stimulus modality-specific latency criterion"
- the classic studies: (e.g., Barry, 1990; Levinson & Edelberg, 1985; Lykken & Venables, 1971) == (Scoring criteria for response latency and habituation in electrodermal research; ibid: a critique; Direct measurement of skin conductance: A proposal for standardization)
- it's about 2s but there is individual differences
EDA synchrony
- 2018 - increased synchrony after conflictual condition
- 2017 - after reinforcing positive outcomes of cooperation, SCR synchrony increased
- 2014 - here
- recorded verbal and non-verbal emotional behavior, and physiological responses
- also had participants annotate their own and interlocutor's emotional states
- males less synchronized than females
- most pairs have synchronized behavioral or physiological responses
micro-situational explanatory papers
- 2018 - Understanding the Micro-Situational Dynamics of White Supremacist Violence in the United States
- life histories of white supremacists. how they overcame emotional boundaries to physical violence
- symbolic boundaries as resources for violent action